Young Love
or: How The Flash and his girlfriend spoiled Christmas for the other Kindergarteners My 5 year old has it bad, real bad, for a towhead girl in his class. Although they are totally opposite in…
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or: How The Flash and his girlfriend spoiled Christmas for the other Kindergarteners My 5 year old has it bad, real bad, for a towhead girl in his class. Although they are totally opposite in…
We temporarily interrupt our normal (Speech) Therapy Thursday to bring you (Mental Health) Therapy Thursday. It’s been that kind of week: The Full Moon Lunar Beasts emerged Marvel Girl woke up hurling I slept less…
I was hoping to share with you the amazing selection of activities, readers, and crafts about Thanksgiving on Enchanted Learning. But I eventually realized that only “registered users” could print out many of these resources….
Disclaimer: This post contains Amazon affiliate links. Throughout my childhood I vividly remember Thanksgiving as the annual holiday when I ate potatoes. Lots and LOTS of mashed potatoes. Eventually I grew to love pumpkin pie…
Once upon a time, there was a village deep within the woods. Only, it wasn’t a village, it was a school. And it wasn’t in the woods, it was quite urban. In fact, it wasn’t…
Bless her heart, Marvel Girl (disguised as a clever chicken) tried to get that doughnut-on-a-string at the Halloween Carnival. But alas, it eluded her. Her super powers are not yet fine tuned to devour junk…
Something pink! photo by doeth Is it an animal? No Does it have a battery? No Is it made of plastic? No Is it rectangular? Yes Do you know what I spy? I love playing…
Oh yes. That is the birthday cake that I referred to on Saturday. Too chocolately? Impossible. Delicious? Uh huh! Although I’m a huge fan of “made from scratch”, I have never had much luck with…
It was recently my husband’s birthday– I gave myself a present. I have ended an eight year “dance” with infertility; I went back on the pill. Why a “dance” and not a “battle”? A battle,…
Do you remember my little princess? My gorgeous student who recently received a FM system to help her hear better in the classroom. If you don’t remember, go back and read this story. Trust me….
As you prepare for an IEP Consider times for OT, PT. And if he qualifies for CD He can be seen by the SLP. Special factors? Does he need AT So he will thrive in…
Making the rockin’est cake ever (with a 5 year old)… Begin with 3-4 apples. We chose beauties from the apple festival. Admire them. Shine them. Take a few pictures. Brutally peel and chop 4 cups….
Be it resolved, that daylight savings time changes should be abolished by the Federal Government. Please excuse me as I travel back in time to my high school debate days. Like then, I will use…
We are living in a Web 2.0 world, and I am a Web 2.0 girl. Gone are my gorgeous Ansel Adams calendars. Here to stay? My on-line calendar! I started using googlecalendar earlier this year…