Unspoken social rules
Disclaimer: This post contains Amazon affiliate links. Our social knowledge is vast. And for most of us, it was never directly taught. We picked up on it as we grew older instinctively. Or our peers…
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Disclaimer: This post contains Amazon affiliate links. Our social knowledge is vast. And for most of us, it was never directly taught. We picked up on it as we grew older instinctively. Or our peers…
Toys remain in the Time Out Box until they are earned out with a coupon . Coupons are earned by behavior that is above and beyond the expected. Until the toys are earned out, however,…
I used to use this book every October in my speech and language groups to work on articulation, vocabulary, story retelling, and other language skills. Why did I stop? I really had a philosophical issue…
…would be jumping on our mini-trampoline (hello sensory needs!) competing about how bad of an /s/ sound they can make. The scene goes like this: Flash: Watch my /s/! “Thhhhhhhhhh” (with the most exaggerated lisp…
They could barely make it up even half of the slight incline. But boy did they try! They so wanted to be just like their brothers. Tricycling on a tiny campground road. In the middle…
Today’s post is a continuation on last week’s post about head injuries based on a recent presentation by Pat Sublette, PhD. The more I learn about Traumatic Brain Injury, the more I decide that no…
Phew! Can you say that title 3 times in one breath? My new plastic friends are the clothespins I buy at the Dollar Tree. 20(ish) for $1. Cheeeeeap! Multi-functional? You bet! Check out just a…
Two summers ago I applied (and got approved) to take an “art class for teachers”. Here is how I justified a Speech Pathologist attending this 3 credit class: Many children who have speech and language…
Disclaimer: This post contains Amazon affiliate links. This is an adorable short book about 3 white mice who dip themselves into primary color paint, dance around on paper, and create new colors! It contains…
My children are terrified of bugs. It probably doesn’t help that our home has been continually infested with ants for the last 2 years. They shriek at the sight of a fly. A beetle rumor…
The following scenario is fictional, but could represent any child, anywhere…. Liz was a spectacular soccer player. She made the varsity team her freshman year. Her teammates stated that she was destined to be a…
Call me anal. Call me organized. Call me someone who wants to get in and out of the grocery store in the shortest possible time… Several years ago I spent 20 minutes in my grocery…
Disclaimer: This post contains Amazon affiliate links. I was so lucky to receiveย the Leapfrog Fridge Magnetic Word Builder. Since I am the world’s biggest fan of the Leapfrog Letters (I give all credit to…
Disclaimer: This post contains Amazon affiliate links. ย I have a confession to make. I spent so much time being excited about this book, and creating pages and pages of resources for use with my…