Trainings & Workshops
for schools & organizations
Online trainings and workshops to support all educators, therapists, and family members, especially those around the IEP table. Learn evidence-based practice, inclusive teaching, universal design for learning, and effective communication strategies for children with complex communication and literacy needs.

- Learn steps towards the inclusion of children with significant communication disorders.
- Help peers with communication tools, especially AAC
- Develop classroom routines that foster participation for students with significant communication delays
- Excite all school/classroom members about AAC
- Identify and describe the three types of augmentative communication systems
- Learn how AAC systems can benefit ALL children with communication disorders
- Create and customize AAC that works in your school or classroom
- Describe essential communication partner skills that should be used throughout the day

AAC Evaluations
- Create a team-based approach to exploring AAC
- Use informal assessments, observations, and interviews to determine the next steps and appropriate AAC tools
- Learn where and how to access AAC tools for trials
- Take measurable data on AAC trials
- Write AAC evaluations for teams or medical insurance companies
Core and Fringe Word Vocabulary
- Define and explain core and fringe words
- Describe the importance of these words for learning basic language
- Develop activities and practice using words to improve student’s communication

Determine a 3-tiered systematic approach to AAC for your district including:
Tier 1: Universal communication board access to all students with a communication disability
Tier 2: Universal communication app/high-tech for all students that need more than a light-tech board
Tier 3: Individualized communication system or approach for students that did not adequately benefit from Tier 1 & 2 systems
- Identify and describe assistive technology as defined by IDEA and the Rehabilitation Act
- Describe AT to support student success in reading, writing, communication, and access
- Create goals and accommodations that utilize AT to improve students’ progress

- Learn activities and tools to support reading for students with complex needs
- Coordinate use of AAC with shared reading experiences
- Practice techniques to promote emergent writing skills
- Create alternative pencils for children who cannot access traditional writing tools
parent iep basics
This training is specifically geared toward parents to understand the IEP process better.
- Learn about rights as parents of a child receiving special education
- Develop a strengths-based IEP
- Think about long-term goals for a child’s success in school and life

See a full list of previous trainings and workshops by Dr. Dodge here.
Hi! I’m Dr. Cheri Dodge Chin.
I empower educators and families to help children with complex communication and learning needs. I’ve worked in public education for 20+ years as a speech-language pathologist and assistive technology consultant. I have a doctorate degree in speech-language pathology (with research in AAC training) and am currently a doctoral student in P-20 educational leadership. I am a published researcher, adjunct professor, and supporter of SLPs and educators all over the world.

Contact Dr. Dodge TO LEARN MORE!
Super Power Speech & Education actively invests in our own learning and self-development to build an anti-racist, anti-oppressive, equitable, neurodiversity-affirming, science-believing, and inclusive community. We invite you to join us if you share these values!