Fit for a Prince or Princess!
Update: This unit has been completely updated since it’s original release. It now contains a variety of multicultural princesses AND princes as well as improved clipart and activities. Plus, get a NEW freebie (click on…
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Update: This unit has been completely updated since it’s original release. It now contains a variety of multicultural princesses AND princes as well as improved clipart and activities. Plus, get a NEW freebie (click on…
No lie, when I was eleven years old, I signed myself up for a “healthy body” (aka weight loss) weekly program. By no means was I severely overweight. But I had a tummy. And I…
I have to admit that I inherited pages and pages of probes (aka “drill and kill” lists) when I started at my school 14 years ago. There seemed to be one or more for…
This freebie is a great way to start talking about super goals for the day, lesson, or year! Plus, it can be individualized or made into a group activity. Brainstorm what super social skills you…
I dreaded my sophomore year of high school. That was the year that all students in my grade would be taught by Mr. E. He was notorious for being tough. That was the year that…
I am so excited that the Back to School sale is happening soon! In fact, I’m going to bring my computer camping with me (and then run off to a coffee shop to get internet)…
Getting ready to go back to school?? Me too. I am excited about seeing the students. But, oh, the paperwork sure gets overwhelming quickly!ย I think I could safely say that 40% of my job…
Kids love pets. Even kids that do not have any pets, still love to talk about them! My daughter, for example, has been asking forever for a pet. Being the crazy, stressed out, budget conscious…
I’ve had a desire for several years to make my 30 minute therapy sessions more routine oriented. I want students to know what to expect when they get to speech. I want them to start…
Last year, my special education teacher and myself ended up running 3 different social skills groups. They were separated by grade level for scheduling reasons, and each had five students. That’s fifteen social skills students…
My nephew is at the best age! He is just starting to develop formal language; he has about five verbal words and ten signs. He babbles, follows one step directions (when he feels like it),…
I am usually a pretty quiet and reserved person. Although I have have many “friendly acquaintances”, I have a hard time making and keeping friends. In college, I hit the high point of my friend…
I ❤️ summer. It’s my favorite time of the year. I need it to relax and decompress.ย I also use my summer to get my life together (i.e., mental health, home organization, getting ready for…
What I thought was going to a be a cute little project to help me get organized turned into a massive creation. But I am SUPER excited about it and can’t wait to share! A…