
What’s In My Cart? Back to School Sale!

I am so excited that the Back to School sale is happening soon! In fact, I’m going to bring my computer camping with me (and then run off to a coffee shop to get internet) just so I can shop next Monday and Tuesday!

All of my materials will be 20% off (and up to 28% off if you use the code “BTS15” at checkout!). Check them out here.



While you are filling up your cart, I wanted to give you a few ideas of some of my products you can use this year!

Photo of the Week:

“Photo of the Week” provides the SLP or educator a routine for the classroom. Students begin or end each session with a photo of the week, or use the worksheets for weekly practice. Students develop the skills to answer questions about common social skills goals (understanding feelings of self and others, problem solving), articulation carry-over, and speaking/listening and language aligned with Common Core State Standards.

One reviewer said, “This has to be my favorite purchase. It is so thorough and so comprehensive and so versatile. Covers so many goals for a wide range of students/clients. ”

Screenshot 2015-07-30 09.08.06

Social Skills Group Curriculum:

This social skills curriculum is designed to work on social skills and self-regulation skills. The age range intended for these lessons is students with language levels at the second to fifth grade level. The lessons are intended for small groups of three plus students, although they can be adapted to work with an entire classroom. Each lesson contains three activities. Lessons are designed to take 30—60 minutes each, however, activities can be taken away or added to adjust the time. In addition, unfinished lessons can be continued onto the next session if needed.

The goals of this program are:
Identify needs (self regulate through energy levels and sensory tools)
Understand thoughts (understand own thoughts and the thoughts of others)
Understand feelings (understand own feelings and the feelings of others)
Problem solve (problem solve social situations)

One reviewer stated, “I am so excited about this and the amount of time it will save when planning for my social skills groups! A wonderful addition to materials I already have- thanks!”

Screenshot 2015-07-30 09.05.52

Petastic Language:

“Petastic Language” is a fantastic way to use beloved pets as motivators for language practice. There are five sections in this product, divided by skills level. Each section includes at least three activities. The activities include flash cards, games, photos, and worksheets and are aligned with Common Core State Standards.

A reviewed said, “Super cute activity! I can’t wait to utilize this in the upcoming school year.”

Screenshot 2015-07-30 07.32.50

And what do I highly recommend that you pick up from other sellers?


Speech-Language Therapy Explanation Handouts for Parents & Teachers:

These handouts are FANTASTIC! I can’t wait to give them out to every new parent that walks into one of my meetings!

Screenshot 2015-07-30 09.25.04

Speech Sounds by Letter:

Not only are these adorable, but they are extremely practical for all articulation students! I will be hanging them up in my speech room this year!

Screenshot 2015-07-30 09.29.21

AAC Word of the Week:

I work with many non and minimally verbal students. This system of introducing new words is going to be perfect!

Screenshot 2015-07-30 09.32.35

So what’s going into YOUR cart for the big sale??

Check out all of the “What’s in your cart?” links at Speech Room News!

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  1. Thanks for sharing! I will have to check out your photo of the week!

  2. I love using photos for speech and language. I’ve been needing some new prompts, and it looks like I’ve found them! Thanks so much!

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