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My summer in review

(Disclaimer: This post contains Amazon affiliate links.)


I go back to work in two short days (sniff…) so it is time for me to reflect on some of the amazing things that I have done during this “short” summer!

1. Trips: Thousands of miles of driving with the kids to the mountains, forests, and beaches! And let me assure you I was wearing long sleeves and jeans for almost everyone of these trips. Darn chilly weather!

summer Collage

2. Reading: I finished reading or listening to 14 books. The following were my favorites (click on any picture below to see on Amazon):

3. Exercising: I’ve always been an avid exerciser, but this summer I tried out PiYo in addition to my elliptical routine. I feel that it was really, really good for me and helped me get more limber as well as strong.

2014-08-10 12.42.02

4. Creating: I put in a few hundred hours worth of work this summer creating new materials and bundling into into year-long sets. These sets are my babies at this point and I can’t wait to start using them this year! Click on any of these pictures to see them on TpT:

Screenshot 2014-07-22 10.17.36

Screenshot 2014-07-29 16.28.58

Screenshot 2014-07-31 15.15.06

Screenshot 2014-08-16 08.38.11

AND…. I started designing shirts! I’m so psyched to wear these shirts at school this year! So far, I have sold 2 different designs, but I have many more ready to go (approximately one per month!!).

Screenshot 2014-08-09 11.43.11ย  Screenshot 2014-08-17 09.44.05

So overall, I ‘d say it was a very busy and very productive summer!! Can’t wait for next summer already! ๐Ÿ™‚

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One Comment

  1. Elizabeth Harding says:

    Wow, wow, wow! You are so productive. Glad you were able to take a few trips. Makes it feel as if you really had a break.

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