And now it’s time for curses with Super Woman

…the part of the show where Super Woman comes out and sings some curses.

Curses to the ants that are taking over my home.

Curses to the mouse, that I thought was dead, and reappeared last night

Curses that my kids decided that today would be the perfect day to make a tent (which they’ve had for 2 years and never wanted to try before) when Professor X is in bed recovering from surgery and can’t help me and I spent 45 minutes grumbling and crying over its creation

Curses that the directions were totally unclear and I had to make and re-make the dang tent 3 times

Curses that they insisted on this tent, even though my mother is coming to stay with us for a week and we’ll have to take the tent down today regardless of the amount of time I spent in it

Curses that my husband’s body is so messed up that he even needed surgery

Curses to our grocery budget that only allows us $20 more for the month, even though we will have 2 guests staying with us and that we can’t increase it because we had to pay for a new clutch on the car, a new razor, and new toothbrush earlier this month

Edited to add another curse: Curses to the bathroom sink, which instead of just dripping, is now leaking like…well, like a faucet! Not only is the sound driving me nuts, but I hate the thought of all that wasted water.

And curses that Professor X knows how to fix the sink but can’t be vertical for another few days so he can’t fix it!


And now back to our regularly programmed blog…

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  1. ~sigh~ I can so sing this curses song about the money and budget right along with you..
    I do hope your husband starts to feel better and that your visit with your parents is a good one and that the kids got more joy out of the tent then you did.

    and I love how this sounds like Veggie Tails. 🙂

  2. I’m sorry that life seems to be kicking you guys in the patootie right now. I hope it improves when your parents get there.

  3. Here’s when you need your superpowers.

    Of course, superheroes only arrive when you are right at the end of the fraying rope… looks like your parents are arriving just in time.

  4. Oh dear, I don’t mean to laugh, but you’re rather funny when you’re cursing!! I do hope you’ll get some relaxing time in and that you’ll enjoy your parents’ visit.

  5. I hope your hubby is feeling better soon! and I understand budgets, wishing they were bigger!

    Thanks for stopping by!

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