
A Prayer For My Day

Heavenly Father,

I pray for my day today.

I pray for all the children who I will see in the halls, in the classroom, and in my room. I pray you would give them love at home and love at school. Touch them with joy, even in the midst of their often harsh young lives. I pray that I can have a positive impact on them, even if only a small one.

I pray for the families in my school. Please give them food to eat and jobs to go to every day. Help them to feel that their kids are being taken care of and loved.

I pray for my colleagues. Give me the drive to to help them whenever possible. Help me to forgive them when they are stressed and I pray that they forgive me as well. I pray for teamwork, trust, and friendship with those I work with every day.

I pray for patience with children, adults, and paperwork. I pray for a calm attitude in the midst of difficult situations. Lord, please give me wisdom as I make decision that have both short and long term effects on the lives of others.

Please make this a blessed day in one way or many.



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  1. Thank you for this today…God bless you!

  2. Kim Kramer says:

    Thank you! I needed that today ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Joy Glick says:

    Thank you for praying! Nice to see an SLP who is not afraid to pray.

  4. Cathy Hinkle says:

    So blessed by your prayer today and the hope God will intervene over situations we can’t control! Prayers for our families to understand our passion to help others communicate. Our loved ones often sacrifice our attention and time for them.

  5. Wonderful prayerful thoughts!


  6. Thank you for reminding me through your beautiful prayer why I am doing this.

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