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I recently realized, that although we live in a fairly diverse area, most the kids entering The Flash’s Kindergarten are Caucasian. My son is Asian. Our family is 3/4 Asian, so he thinks little about the way he looks at home. At school, however, I worry.

I read too many stories of other adoptive families whose children endure teasing, racist comments, and general meanness. Kids can be cruel. On several occasions I have had children in my classes pull their eyes back and make racist slurs–or no reason at all except that they thought they’d get a laugh. They’ve usually melted with embarrassment as I reveal my family picture and lay into them how those comments make me and my family feel.

I sat The Flash down the other day to talk about teasing. I want to prepare him (as best as I can!) for the challenges ahead. I tried to tell him that sometimes kids act mean and they might make funny eyes to make fun of you. Then I asked, “What could you do?”

The Flash replied, “Say ‘Nonsense!’ and walk away.”

By Jove, I think he’s got it!

Nonsense! is a silly and delightful rhyming picture book of things that just aren’t right. Nonsense! The final punch, however, is the lesson that when others are mean or call you names, you can yell “Nonsense!” Because that is what those statements are. The book has the potential to add self-worth and confidence to children. It is a fabulous starting point for discussion between adults and children.

Speech Therapy Ideas:
1. Practice rhymes. Which 2 words rhyme on the page? Can you name a rhyme for… Predict the final rhyme in a verse.

2. Talk about all the silly pictures. What is silly about each picture? Why is that silly?

3. Discuss what the word “nonsense” means. Give more examples.

4. Discuss the message at the end of the book. Have you ever heard kids tease each other? Have they ever teased you? What are some ways that you can respond?

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  1. Cool. I hope your son can maintain that attitude ~ or better yet, that he won’t need to use it!

  2. Thanks, CC. We actually (gasp!) don’t have this book. I’ll be purchasing it very soon. Another resource you might like is The W.I.S.E. Up Powerbook. The Flash is still a tad young for it, but it is recommended for early elementary students. It’s not a picture book, but useful all the same.

  3. Girl you should come move up where we are, since 90 percent of the community works for microsoft or amazon we have a huge population of Indians and Asians, they actually out number the causasions. Dennis does not even realize he may not be in the norm of other cities. I love it! And you have to love the way children are!

  4. I love that reply. Maybe I will use it once in a while myself, although I guess I have to be careful who I am talking to. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. I grew up with mostly Cauacasians, that I basically thought I was one too. I came home one day from school, pulling my eyes to the side, singing, “My dog has fleas! and he’s chinese!”. Imagine the astonishment of my mom who quickly revealed to me that I am Chinese!

  6. Oh, he has so got it! Smart boy.

    I understand your concern. 3 of my 4 sons (3 via adoption) live with special needs…one very obviously with a physical disability. Kids often make fun of him. But he’s got it, too. ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Great response, what a smart guy! I hope he doesn’t need it, but I’m glad he’s prepared :).

  8. It’s good he has a strategy for dealing with it, because from my experience with children I know that if they don’t tease him about his eyes they will find something else to tease him about. Someone once said that noone is more cruel to children than other children. It’s true.

  9. I love Flash!! What a great kid! ๐Ÿ™‚ What a great mom you are too CC!

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  11. Good reply!
    And very glad that there are books around that are like this.

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