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A growling place

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This book is extremely reminiscent of Where the Wild Things Are. So much so, in fact, that I wonder if there will be a copyright infringement lawsuit.

That said, it is a beautiful book. The art style reminds me of Japanese-anime, with hands that are bigger or smaller depending on the action, muscles that are exaggerated, and facial features of the main character that include pink cheeks and full circles around her eyes.

The vocabulary is vivid and descriptive. There are text-free pages for imaginative story telling by the reader.

Speech Therapy ideas:
1. This is a great story for practicing /r/ sounds. Roooooooaaaaaarrrrrr!! You can “roar” on every page for extra fun and practice!

2. Talk about the vocabulary in this story. Describe and use words like ” gentlemanly, clever, shaming, bullies, warm-orange”.

3. Have your child retell the story using elaborate language on the text-free pages. What do they think is happening? Describe the picture. Why are the girl’s hands big/small? Why did the bears change?

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  1. We are off to the library in five minutes–I’ll look for this one ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. I love your book suggestions. My dd isn’t old enough to enjoy some of these yet, except to find things on the page, but it is so helpful for my daycare.

    I have a little boy that was just diagnosis with Apraxia.

  3. I will have to check that book out. I have always loved Where The Wild things Are.

  4. CC, you are ALWAYS filled with such great ideas. Adding this book to our library queue right now.

  5. I’m intrigued. Never seen this book … I’ll be checking it out.

  6. I love that you do this book idea! Do you tell us what ages these are appropriate for??

    I will look into it. And thanks again.

    And don’t worry, you didn’t burst my bubble. My excitement comes from her putting Mama with another word that she says. That is what I was so thrilled about. ๐Ÿ™‚ The beginning of talking in conversations!!

  7. I have never heard of this book but can’t wait to read it to my stepson. He has a very hard time with “r” sounds and would benefit from it. He’ll visit us this summer so I’ll be sure to have it here by then. Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for saying hello!

    You made my day!


  8. My favorite book as a kid was The Giving Tree.

  9. We will check out this book. ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Wow that one looks great! I just ordered it and cant wait!

  11. I wish I could peak into this book right now. Love your recommendations!

  12. Hmmmmm, “r” sounds being a bit of an issue with my youngest, I may have to see if our teeny, tiny library has this one. I loved “Where the Wild Things Are” as a kid.

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