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Super Start to Speech!

I can’t believe I’m creating “Beginning of the Year” items already! Because my district is implementing ALL new curriculum and an entirely new computer system, we have two weeks of in-services. Meaning that although some of you are going back to work now, I don’t have students until September 9th!

And…. thanks to a recent bond measure, my school is becoming asbestos-free this summer! Woot! Woot! This means that every teacher in the school needed to completely pack up their room so that no cancer-dust remained on our items. The principal also conveniently thought this would be the perfect time to switch things around, so most of the teachers in my school will be teaching a new grade level and in a new classroom! Thankfully, this doesn’t affect me too much. Phew!

Since my room is going to be fresh and barren when I return in a few weeks, this is the perfect fall to decorate it up SUPER style. So I created some new things to put up on the wall as well as correlating activities for the beginning of the year!

Remember, I can’t actually enter my school building for several weeks, so I can’t show you have these materials will actually look on my walls. As a simulation, however, I am going to show off what the posters from my new pack could hypothetically look like on my not-totally-unpacked living room wall (OMG– have I told you all how much I LOVE my new home! Love!).


The POSTER pack includes:
-“Speech is Super” on one page
-3x Individual speech rules (one page per super hero/rule)
-2x all 3 speech rules on one page
-“I help people communicate! What’s your Super Power?”
-“In speech we learn to speak and listen well, be a good friend and student.”
-2x “I use my super powers to help kids talk!”
-“Speech-Language Pathologists save the day every day!”
-Noise Level Chart
-Behavior Clip Chart
-โ€œSpeech is Superโ€ spelled out on multiple pages (2 letters per page) to be cut and displayed.

Here are all the posters:

A larger version 2 of my favorites!

Please note that although “I Help People Communicate! What’s your Super Power?” has been floating around Pinterest with no link, I had made the original version of it and posted it over 18 months ago here.

But you can’t start the year with just SUPER decorations! So I created an ACTIVITIES PACK!

-Fill in the Speech Rules (based on posters and discussion during therapy) and can be sent home.

-Build you own Super Hero– a paper doll-type activity in which children must use complete sentences and attributes to design their own Super-self. The students then use a speech bubble to write in their goal(s) as a reminder of why they come to speech. I will be displaying these around the speech room… thus increasing my SUPER decorations substantially!

Here was my creation (looks just like me, right?):

-Super letter to parents: Includes blanks for day(s) of speech therapy and IEP date. This can be filled out with or by the student to help involve them in this very important communication!

Get the entire COMBO Pack (Posters and Activities) or just the Posters.

Also, consider getting my Super Planner to go with your super room!

Isn’t it exciting! Thinking about the fresh start of a new year…. And I’m not dreading going back at all! (Ha!)

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  1. Your superhero back to school packet looks FANTASTIC in my room. Thank you so much for providing it to us all. I absolutely love it and the students and staff love it too. Thanks again!

  2. Annie Doyle says:

    But you do have superpowers!!!

  3. I’ve already printed a lot of these out to decorate my speech room with!! They fit perfectly with our PBIS school-wide theme and the letter and photos are perfect! Thanks for sharing! ๐Ÿ™‚

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