
Valentine’s Art with AAC

I had so much fun this week creating Valentine’s projects with some of my life skills students.

I was originally inspired by this pin on Pinterest, but considering that I only had 15 minute therapy slots and what we were really working on was communication, our creations are not quite as gorgeous.

What I did have however was an art choice board, and several file cards on which I drew the choices (pink/red, big/small, paper/sticker).

As I presented each choice to the children, they pointed to their preference. Then with verbal models (some of the children) verbalized the single word.

We created sentences to describe each heart, such as “I want red, big, paper heart.”

One student used his Vantage Light to create some awesome sentences.

If anyone wonders what my favorite part of Speech Therapy is… THIS is it. Art + visuals + themes + creativity + communication with a purpose.

Now, if I can just get my own kids to cooperate and make these for their grandparents… 😉

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  1. Hey there! I stumbled onto your blog via pinterest and realized we have a bit in common–I teach children w/Autism and we adopted our daughter internationally (from China).

    Love the art project using visuals…just may have to “copy” 🙂

    I have a “mommy blog”, but feel free to hop over and say hi!

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