Books–the perfect gift for the SLP!
Disclaimer: This post contains Amazon affiliate links. I’m kind of a book junkie. I know people that read more, but not many. And few of them have as many work and family commitments as I…
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Disclaimer: This post contains Amazon affiliate links. I’m kind of a book junkie. I know people that read more, but not many. And few of them have as many work and family commitments as I…
Our family goal at the holidays is to try to give lovingly and intentionally. Give up and above the 10% we give throughout the rest of the year. Give to show that Jesus’s birth is…
For Mother’s Day this year I requested two things: complete car washes (annual gift request) a Flirty Apron My husband has a lot of trouble thinking and remembering details. Such as, oh, coupon codes…. So…
Several weeks ago The Flash came to me in tears. (This needs to be read in the whiniest voice possible) “Mommmmmmmmy… you aren’t going to the school auction so you aren’t going to buy the…
Deck the halls with forts and clutter. Fa-la-la-la-la. La, la, la, la. Tis the season to drive nuts the muh’der. Fa-la-la-la-la. La, la, la, la. Mommy needs a special treat. Fa-la-la-la-la-la. La, la, la. Red…
Re-post from last year. But hey, a girl can be proud of a great post, right? On the first day of Christmas my true love said, “Think Globally.” ‘Cause Christmas is more than stuff under…
Twas a week before Christmas And all through the school, All the students were rowdy Ignoring the rule. Buzzing all through their classes All anxious to speak. To announce what great presents They’d get in…
On the first day of Christmas my true love said, “Think Globally.” ‘Cause Christmas is more than stuff under a tree. Photo by carf On the second day of Christmas my true love said, “Give…
In the spirit of jam week… Years ago, Professor X’s sister and brother-in-law taught me how to make cooked jam. I am certainly no expert, but I have enjoyed this now annual tradition with berries…
My birthday present in 06: A new trike for the Flash Because of this: My Mother’s Day present in 08: A new trike for The Flash Because of this: Why does all the cash meant…