4 things to purge from your speech room now!
I am a huge fan of decluttering. But as I’ve learned through hundreds of books and articles, decluttering does not mean moving items around and putting them into cuter and more colorful boxes. I know….
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I am a huge fan of decluttering. But as I’ve learned through hundreds of books and articles, decluttering does not mean moving items around and putting them into cuter and more colorful boxes. I know….
I don’t know about you, but I cannot stand having my home in chaos. I cannot work, think, sleep, or function well when I feel disorganized and overwhelmed. Since I am in charge of our…
I figured I should proselytize my eco-green-crunchy-granola-NorthWest ways to the rest of the world… I haven’t used paper towels in my home for almost eight years. And napkins? Same thing. (Okay, except for the kids…
As you can possibly imagine, I’m a wee-tiny-itty-bit busy. Although my husband is technically a “Stay at Home Dad”, his chronic illness/disability keeps him in bed most of the day. So we live on one…
Toys remain in the Time Out Box until they are earned out with a coupon . Coupons are earned by behavior that is above and beyond the expected. Until the toys are earned out, however,…
We brainstormed when my son started using chairs as make-shift walkers, all over our newly refinished floors. The little felt pads that most stores sell did NOT do the trick. Suddenly it dawned on us….
Last year we finally bought a chest freezer. ย There are some difficulties: it is outside under our carport (we have no basement or garage), it is padlocked (to make sure no one runs off with…