I’ve guest posted!
I did my first guest posting on The Dabbling Speechie about Super Social Skills. Check it out here!
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Last year, several SLPs in my district attended a fantastic conference by Gail Van Tatenhove. By the end of the two days, we were ready to make some district-wide changes to AAC in our district….
I love my expanding non-traditional Picture Exchange therapy! I love it when I get to work with my life skills kiddos on adding descriptive words to toys that they already enjoy. And then even adding…
As an adoptive mom of two children born in Korea, and as a Speech Pathologist, this has been a topic I’ve talked to parents about often. I am glad that all my thoughts and advice…
I use these “stories” every day in circle with my Life Skills students and then carry them into indiviudal therapy by matching/labeling/or identifying the key concept in the story I created. Rainbow Rabbit Hop, Hop,…
My nephew is at the best age! He is just starting to develop formal language; he has about five verbal words and ten signs. He babbles, follows one step directions (when he feels like it),…
I just started back from spring break today and have to say that I am TIRED! It is really hard to go from “sleeping in” to 5am wake ups again! Because it is difficult to…