It’s a Conspiracy

This is 12/25 in the United States.
Gifts, gifts, gifts.
Money, money, money.
I want video games.
I want sweets.
I want bigger. Better.

This is 12/25 in Cambodia.
I want water.
I want a job.
I want medicine.

This is what we can provide for those in Cambodia (and around the world)
If we spend our money on PEOPLE instead of things.
Clean water.
Mosquito netting.

This is what we can provide to children in our own cities on 12/25.
Kids who do not have a stable home.
Kids moved into Foster Care.
Kids who are scared and alone.

This is how our homes can look different.
How I want my kids to think of 12/25.
I want a home.
I want family.
I want love.

In 2006 my pastor brought our church into his doctoral thesis project. Except we didn’t know it was a thesis project. So, I guess we were the guinea pigs. He challenged us to give each other instead of stuff. So we did. I started baking things. I gave relatives “in honor” gifts of livestock and medical supplies to people around the world. My favorite gift was two years ago when we bought everyone Kiva certificates so that they could choose the person to help micro-finance (and they could get the money back after the loan was repaid if they would like!). This year (SPOILER ALERT: DON’T READ THIS IF YOU ARE IN MY FAMILY AND EXPECT A GIFT FROM ME) they are getting some of my fab crochet work, homemade lotion, and shirts from Feed Just One.

Additionally, a portion of my income (and TpT sales thank you!!) will be going to Advent Conspiracy, which is now a global movement and not just a doctoral thesis.

(all photos taken in the upstairs of my church, where we could tour the Advent Experience)

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  1. I believe, too. For a few years now my parents have been getting sheep or goats via Heifer International, so have my sisters. I get them one small thing–a soy candle, a book, but the big gift goes to a bigger purpose. Preach it, sister!

  2. I love it CC! We did the Advent Conspiracy two years ago at our church, too. It’s such a great way to put the focus on the real meaning of Christmas. Thanks so much for posting this!

  3. Those are great pictures and an important message. It just might be the inspiration I need to stop complaining about how small my kitchen is and get going on that holiday baking. Just curious… how do you make homemade lotion? I’d like to try that.

  4. Kate E., It’s a super secrete recipe (probably easily found via a google search). Maybe I’ll post about it sometime later…. 😉

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