Birthday joy for Prof. X

My husband’s birthday is this week. And a celebration of his pretty sucky life right now isn’t exactly what he wants to do.

So I took the liberty of emailing 100 close friends and family and seeing if anyone would help bring some ” joy ” to his week. I knew he couldn’t physically or emotionally handle a party, so I thought maybe the joy could come in small bits throughout the week. Luckily, quite a few people stepped up to the plate and brought him coffee, scones, muffins, bread, milk shakes, dinner, etc. for the week!

Some long distance family even sent him gifts: a GIANT fortune cookie for good luck, Lord of the Rings on CD for when he’s in too bad of a condition to read, gift cards to coffee, etc!

I think he really felt the joy and love! Now the only issue is… what to do next year???? ๐Ÿ˜‰

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  1. What a sweet and thoughtful way to plan a party for him!! Awesome idea.

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