How to transform my pathetic year into glittery goo.

As much as I’d love to create a sappy, woe-is-me post, I’ve decided to stick my chin up, put on a fake smile, and throw glitter obnoxiously around until everything looks pretty. Cuz I really like sparkles.

Goo: Professor X had a $70,000 surgery that led to no pain relief and increased pain for several months following the surgery as he recovered.
Glittery goo: We had a $100 co-pay for a medical procedure that cost 7000x that much! And he now has some cool scars that make him look “dangerous”. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Goo: I lost 11 hours/week of assistant time (over 50%) at work.
Glittery goo: I now have a great excuse as to why I don’t have time to Medicaid bill!

Goo: The kids minds rotted substantially on screen time.
Glittery goo: I had much more time to read and listen to audio books!

Goo: My couponing endeavors have gone kaput since the airing of that ridiculous show “Extreme Couponing” and the frenzy it created. I can no longer collect items for our holiday boxes for needy families or give away freebies to co-workers.
Glittery goo: I spend less time at stores and arguing with cashiers.

Goo: I have daily Kindergarten lunch/cafeteria duty… Something I’ve avoided for 9 years.
Glittery goo: I’ve actually bonded with some of these kiddos. Even ones that I will never service for therapy.

Goo: I have been publicly criticized by co-workers and parents for things I felt were completely unjustified.
Glittery goo: My new principal has been awesome at helping quell these storms and decrease tension.

Goo: The education system budget cuts have devastated our ability to adequately provide assistants and services to kids that really need more help.
Glittery goo: I get to run around the school with my super powered “siren hat” putting out kid fires instead of actually doing therapy.

Goo: Professor X has had no improvements and is doing quite badly.
Glittery goo: He has applied for Social Security Disability and in a mere 36-96 months may get some money to help pay for all the things that would help him (and the family)!

Well, there you have it. The end of a cruddy year (almost). I look forward to even more crud next year as the school budget decreases even more (!!), parents and co-workers become even more upset, and Professor X gets even more frustrated at his constant pain.

The end. Poof! (and I vanish into sparkly fairy dust)


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  1. Wishing and praying for you a year filled with unexpected surprises and blessings, my friend. Keep seeking out the sparkles!

  2. Oh honey, that’s some goo. You are amazing to find the glitter in it. Here’s to a less gooey 2012.

  3. What a lot of goo! I pray it’s almost all glitter next year… tell the Professor we are praying for him.

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