The Star (Wars) Shine Brighter in the Summer

At some point this year The Flash decided that Star Wars was it . He talked Star Wars. He played Star Wars. He chose his birthday party theme of Star Wars. He made light sabers frequently at his school’s invention center.

One problem.

He’d never seen Star Wars. (Well, aside from watching all the video clips from Lego Star Wars ).

We had told him that he was too young; the movie was too violent; he could see it when he was older. Eventually, we had to set a date. So the magical rite of passage would occur once he’d finished first grade.

He finished first grade earlier this week.

Guess who has been lured by the Dark Side already?
(In case you are unsure what to do with your Master’s graduation robe? It makes for wonderful dress up clothes!)  
And in solidarity with other Star Warians (if Star Trek fans are Trekkies, what are Star Wars fans called?) , he tattooed himself with ink: Little known Episode 1.5: Star Wars– The Colon Wars (Anakin battles the Dark Side of his GI tract) After a brief biology lesson, The Flash was slightly embarrased at his typo. Because, as one friend noted, “I don’t want to see the ‘outcome’ of that episode!”

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  1. The colon wars!!!! HAHAHA!!! That is too cute.
    My boys get really excited about movies they haven’t seen too. So funny.
    Glad he likes Star Wars so much. I’m a huge fan. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. After he is done watching that, he can then watch the sequels, the return of the GI and the E Coli Strikes back.
    LOVE the use of the grad robe. We used to spend hours playing with my mom’s nursing school cape. Gotta use them for something eh?

  3. So cute and great movies to rent on a rainy day. My oldest is into star wars too he has a small star wars lego collection too. I hope your getting more sun now that summer officially started.

  4. We have the Star Wars disease in our house, too! 1st-about-to-be-2nd graders must have some sort of underground network, since they all seem to get it at the same time.

  5. Laughing. Colon. And, it’s captured for all to see. So funny. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. May the Force be with him ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Congratulations on finishing 1st grade!

  7. The Colon Wars… hahahahaha!

    The dark side is SO scary!

  8. Do you know anything about Focused Auditory Input for late talkers/expressively delayed?

    If so, I need some activity ideas and have had NO luck on the internet!!


  9. Oh, thank you for this!!! too adorable. as if I needed a reminder as to why I’m in love with little boys…

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