

I know. This product name reminds you of a certain hamburger at a popular fast food chain. But this device is actually a simple voice output device that can be used for cause and effect and simple communication messages. (The BIGmack can also be used as a switch, but that will be discussed on some later Wordless Wednesday).

The BIGmack communication device is a one-step communicator. You can record one 20 second message at a time onto the device. With it’s large surface area, it is easy for most students to push the button in order to communicate a message. I use this device daily in my circle times to have children reply “I’m here”. I then have my students working on speech to repeat these words verbally. This message gives them extra repetitions and input, while empowering them to communicate independently. I have also used the BIGmack while doing stories with students. In repetitive line stories, the chorus can be recorded onto the BIGmack and the student can participate in “reading” the story with the teacher or to the class.

Barbara Solomonson compiled a great list of 101+ ways to use a BIGmack. Some of these include:
-to tell parents “I love you”
-to say “Merry Christmas” to people around the holiday season
-to say “Good morning” to people in class, in the halls, or in the community
-make an announcement in class

This device has many great uses for a beginning communicator. It is, unfortunately, very expensive. In future Wordless Wednesdays I will describe ways to use similar devices that cost much less.

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