Articulation Mad Labs


Work on articulation and parts of speech in these silly activities!

Articulation Mad Labs helps kids work on articulation, language arts, vocabulary, and reading skills. This activity comes with full page sorted lists of: /s/ (initial, medial, final, blends) /r/ (prevocalic, /er/, /ir/, /ire/, /or/, /ar/, /air/) , and /th (mixed) sounds. 14 different Mad Libs activities are included for a total of 27 pages to download.
Kids can fill in the Mad Labs by themselves or in a group. They can then practice reading to one or more people to work on articulation skills. I use Articulation Mad Labs every Monday with my 10 minute Speech Club. The students fill in the Mad Labs by themselves and then read to others in the group. Kids learn the different parts of speech and are challenged to use a variety of vocabulary.
Great for boosting articulation and language skills while also working on reading and writing!
❤️ “Once a month, I break out the madlib binder and have my students working at the reading/conversation level put together their own wacky stories. The students love it! After everyone has read their madlib we vote for whoever’s was the craziest. Thank you! This product is so helpful. The students even ask to take it home! (Carryover!!)”
❤️ “This is great for the articulation students working at oral reading/conversational levels. The kids enjoy them and there is usually quite a bit of giggling as they are read aloud. Thanks!”
Hi! I’m Dr. Cheri Dodge Chin. I am a published researcher, adjunct professor, and national presenter with a clinical doctorate in speech-language pathology. I have over 20 years of experience in empowering children, educators, and families. I began my blog, Super Power Speech, in 2008 with the hope of engaging other speech pathologists and passing on ideas and resources. The blog is now recognized as one of the first SLP blogs in the world and has been nominated for multiple awards. While browsing, make sure to check out my courses and resource library with over 50 FREE downloads! Aside from flying around and trying to save the world, you can find me studying for my second doctorate degree (this time in education).
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