My Best Reads of 2013

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Unlike last year, I did not meet my reading goal this year. Alas, I only finished 40 out of my goal of 50 books visually or audibly read (did that make sense? I do a lot of my reading on my ipod while working out!).

As I looked through the books I completed this year, I came to realize that I really like children’s books. I mean, REALLY like them. This is either because a) I only have the attention span to read a children’s level book or b) children’s book authors rock. I have a funny feeling that is the real answer is c) all of the above. So be forewarned that many of the books in my list are children’s and/or young adult books!

Here are my top 10 reads of the year!

ย Wonder: An amazing story of ten-year-old Auggie (who has cranio-facial differences) and his first experience with school.

Tuck Everlasting: The Tuck family drank from the fountain of everlasting life. Now, Mr. Tuck is determined that no one else share their fate…even if they want to.

The Fault in Our Stars: Warning.. tear-jerker alert! Two teen recovering from cancer fall in love. The dialogue is wonderful and the story so very touching.

Where the Mountain Meets the Moon: A sweet and epic tale of Min-Lee and her quest to get to Never Ending Mountain to get fortune for her family.

Number the Stars: A child’s story about the Danes resistance of the Nazis. This is a powerful and beautiful story that I wish I had read long ago.

Me Before You: I wish I could say that I couldn’t relate to this story at all, but that is not the case. Louisa becomes the caregiver to Will, who has no movement in his arms or legs after a tragic accident. She is determined to help make his life better, even when he does not. Another tear-jerker alert!

Still Alice: Alice is in her early 50’s when she learns that she has early-onset Alzheimer’s Disease. This beautiful book is written from her perspective, but also touches upon the ways that disability and illness affects the entire family.

Fall of Giants: Epic, and I do mean EPIC stories of families at the beginning of the 20th century. I learned a tremendous amount while being swept away in these tales!

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close: I loved this story of nine-year-old Oskar and his quest that takes him throughout New York City.

Orphan Train: Although I did not love how adoption was portrayed in this book, I did thoroughly enjoy the two stories and histories that are intertwined through this book.

Have you read any of these? What should I read next year?

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