Why am I a WOPS?


I’m a new WOPS groupy: “Wives of Perpetual Students”. What qualifies me for this elusive and elite club?

Let me start by giving props to my husband. We both worked after finishing college for one year. That was our “rich” year (although our combined full time incomes were far less than had been paid each year for one of us to attend college). He supported us when I fled from my first job out of college (High School Science Teacher) and back to grad school in a field I knew nothing about (Speech Pathology). For two years he learned everything I learned and helped me ace my tests. I figure he’s now just as qualified to be have my job as I am!

We both worked for 6 months and then did a major cross-country move. When Professor X was unable to find a computer programming job on our new coast (in the early 2000’s? no programming job?!), he decided to go back to school. On the slow track. The very slow track. The turtle track.

7 years later he is now 2 classes from finishing his Master’s of Divinity (quite a switch from his former career!). He has taken no semesters off since starting. He is just going very slowly. His school recently began a Master’s in Theology program. He is very excited to begin that. But he can’t start until after he finishes his Divinity degree. Will he be done then? Maybe. But more likely, he will finally pursue his dream of a PhD.

So I’m guessing Professor X will be in school for at least the next 12 years. My son will be almost headed to college by then! Aack! Am I a WOPS or what!?

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