Social Story: The Time Out Box
Toys remain in the Time Out Box until they are earned out with a coupon . Coupons are earned by behavior that is above and beyond the expected. Until the toys are earned out, however,…
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Toys remain in the Time Out Box until they are earned out with a coupon . Coupons are earned by behavior that is above and beyond the expected. Until the toys are earned out, however,…
We had our first yard sale this weekend. The Flash and Marvel Girl were excited to sell lemonade and cookies (and keep the money). So excited that The Flash created signs and taped them to…
I considered categorizing these thank you cards under “Frugal ideas”, but then I realized that the ink of printing these pictures probably cost more than the pack of cards I buy at the Dollar Tree….
I have (oops! I mean my kids) never been big fans of veggies. Raw veggies often have a strong taste that I don’t like and cooked veggies have a mushy texture that I despise. A…