Social Skills

Social Stories on the Fly
I was sitting with one of my new students this week and said his name to get his attention. He did not respond, in spite of several repetitions and a tap on the shoulder. So…

Superflex Exercise Academy
Yesterday, I developed an exercise program for two of my students with high-functioning Autism. Well, it was a semi-exercise program. There was a mini-trampoline, jump rope lines to run between, hula-hoops to jump in, balls…
Holiday Tips for Helping Children with Autism
These tips were written to help the families of children with Autism reduce holiday stress, but they are useful to all children. Adapted from Autism-Society.org: 1. Prepare, prepare, prepare . Keep a calendar or an…
Unspoken social rules
Disclaimer: This post contains Amazon affiliate links. Our social knowledge is vast. And for most of us, it was never directly taught. We picked up on it as we grew older instinctively. Or our peers…

Social Stories 101 (examples)
I wrote this story last night. And (not surprisingly) I still got up late today. Grrrrr! A social story is a narrative way to teach someone a social skill or routine. It often is accompanied…

Too-Tall Paul, Too-Small Paul
Disclaimer: This post contains Amazon affiliate links. I love the Real Kids Readers because of their large font, fabulous rhymes, and beat-like rhythm. Additionally, these readers use photographs of real children and are exceptionally done…

Therapy Thursday: Social Stories
Social Stories are a tool for teaching social skills to children with autism and related disabilities. Social stories provide an individual with accurate information about those situations that he may find difficult or confusing… The…

Social Behavior Mapping
Social Behavior Mapping is a technique developed by Michelle Garcia Winner. Ms. Winner has written and presented on a number of fabulous ideas for working with children with Autism and other Social-Cognitive difficulties. The mapping…