September Speech Lesson Plans

Free lesson plans for SLPs!! Don't miss out on this great way to organize and be prepared!


Yep, I am aware that I am the lucky one around here! My students don’t start back to school until after Labor Day (which I truly, truly believe with all of my heart is the RIGHT way to do it!!!). So, I’m getting my first lesson plans of the year ready at last!

I have a new format this year, that I’m hoping will be really helpful. In my course The Organized SLP, I taught in length about planning out your month and week in advance. To make this process easier, I have transformed my lesson plans into weekly plans. This way, you can easily see what you are doing in the week as well as the groups that have overlap of activities.

Included in these lesson plans are 4 weeks (8 sessions) of activities for students in the following levels:

  • Language Pre-K: Early language learners
  • Language Level 1: Working on CCSS Kindergarten and 1st grade skills
  • Language Level 2: Working on CCSS 2nd and 3rd grade skills
  • Language Level 3: Working on CCSS 4th grade and higher skills
  • Social Level 1: Working on early social skillsย concepts
  • Social Level 2: Working on more advanced social skills concepts
  • Articulation Level 1: Pre-readers and those working on early articulation sounds
  • Articulation Level 2: Readers and those working on later developing articulation sounds

Take a look at the new format! I hope you love it and that is makes your life soooooo much easier!

Screenshot 2016-08-10 13.03.48

Screenshot 2016-08-10 13.04.03

Click here to download the free lesson plans!

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