Behavior Challenges and the SLP– A roundup of great articles

All SLPs come across challenging behaviors. Read some great advice and tips from your favorite SLP bloggers.

We’ve all been there. The child who walks nicely down to the speech room only to start saying “I don’t wanna!” the instant you actually bring out speech work. Or the student who screams profanities at you the instant you go show up in his classroom door. Ah, behaviors. I know that as SLPs we usually only have to deal with difficult behaviors for 30 minutes at a time, but really, those 30 minutes can seem like an eternity. Can I get an Amen?!

Since many SLPs have faced challenges like these, I have compiled a few great articles from fellow SLP bloggers about how they help students with behavioral challenges.

Behavior and the SLP
I wrote this post about ways to help students while they are primarily in their general education classrooms. I provide a myriad of visuals, point sheets, and suggestions for teachers in my school on how to help these students be more successful.

Using the Zones of Regulation in Therapy
The Dabbling Speechie explains the Zones of Regulation in this post. She discusses the important vocabulary that goes with the zones and how to use these words throughout the day. If you have not been to a Zones training, I highly recommend it!

The 10 Item Behavior Kit
Although I’m not a big fan of food as reinforcers, sometimes, you gotta do what you gotta do! I love this idea for yummy positive reinforcement by Speech Dreams. Added bonus, this looks so pretty!

Love It & List It: Behavior Management
In this post, Old School Speech describes ways to keep energy high and speech motivating. She describes “Super Job” slips, sticker charts, and cash incentives, among other fun ideas!

Tips to Wrangle Your Most Unruly Speechies
Felice from The Dabbling Speechie wrote another great post here on the ASHA Leader Blog. She describes five tried and true ways to help all of your students be successful within the speech room.

Behavior Management in the Speech Room
Anne from Beautiful Speech Life suggests using listening posters and whole brain posters in this post. She describes what these posters in your room might look like and how you can explain and use them.

5 Tips and Tools to Manage Behaviors
There are some great quick tips on TLC Talk Shop’s blog post here. She discusses punch cards, sticker charts, board game management and more!

Positive Behavior Incentives in Speech (AKA Bribery)
If you are looking for long term incentive plans, check out the system that I’ve been using for years! My students earn “speech money” each time they come to speech. When their entire team earns enough, they get a party.


Obviously, behavior management is a big part of our job. It is also one in which we receive little to no training! What other ways do YOU work on behavior?


This post is part of a series entitled “Behavior and the SLP”. To see all of the posts in this series click here.

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