Presentations & CEUs
I am available and excited to present at your next convention or event!
As a high-schooler, I was a nationally competitive debater. As I grew older (and wiser), I never lost my love of speaking to an audience. Presenting fills me with adrenaline and excitement as I connect with people that I otherwise would have never met.
As a speech pathologist, I have presented at the local, state, and national levels (including at ASHA) in a variety of venues and formats.
available presentations
Communication Partner Strategies for AAC (1 – 2 hours)
Although millions of individuals benefit from augmentative communication, many communication partners lack training. This training aims to explain the role of partners and describe the most effective techniques for helping children communicate. The two-hour version includes time to practice in small groups.
Maximize Your Time and Effectiveness with Speech Room Routines (1 hour)
This training focuses on easy and effective routines that SLPs and SLPAs can use within their speech room within the limited time that they have with clients.
Supervision Bootcamp (2 hours)
Whether you supervise assistants, CFYs, or student clinicians, this presentation will give you tips, tools, and tons of ideas to be a super supervisor!
Practical and Fun Ways to Run a Social Skills Group (1 – 2 hours)
This presentation discusses fun and engaging ways to practice identifying feelings, energy levels, problems, and solutions. The presentation will explore ways to work on conversational and friendship skills. The two-hour version includes time to practice in small groups.
How to be an Organized School-Based SLP (2 hours)
Dr. Dodge’s eight-week summer course has been condensed into a two-hour training. This course will explore everything the school-based SLP needs to do to prepare for an organized school year, from evaluations to lesson planning.
Using Children’s Literature in Speech Therapy (1 – 2 hours)
The field has heavily researched the use of children’s literature and picture books for speech therapy with promising results. This presentation explores ways to take one story and use it for multiple age levels and goals. The two-hour training version includes time to practice creating materials.
Additional training topics can be arranged on a case by case basis.
To arrange a presentation, please contact Dr. Cheri Dodge Chin.