Module 4, Lesson 3: Informal Testing

Informal testing is going to make the difference between a mediocre IEP and a stellar one. If you can show with numbers the student’s present levels and areas that need improvement, you can create solid goals. You can measure progress over time and then re-administer the informal assessments later.

1. Schedule. Schedule your informal testing in advance. Write it in your calendar or create a to-do list item. These can become your baseline measures for your goals! 

2. Analyze. Did your student make progress from last year? What areas are challenging? Which of these challenging areas should be a prioritized IEP goal (choose no more than 3)?

Check out the informal assessments that I am giving to you and how to use them (in the video).

Resources for this lesson:


  1. Try out each informal assessment.
  2. Share with the community how it went!

Link to ROADMAP for all lessons.

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