Module 2, Lesson 4: Creating Groups
Now that you have student speech files and datasheets, it is time to create some groups. I always try for my ideal groups first and then switch things around as you find scheduling conflicts.
To create your groups, use your caseload list and sort the information in Excel by grade level. At my school, there is really no way to pull kids from different grades at the same time. From there, sort again by goals (articulation, language, social, etc.). Now print out your newly sorted list and start making some groups!
My ideal groups have three students who are all in the same grade and have the same goal areas. In reality, however, I only have some ideal groups. Many of my groups are pieced together by teachers’ schedules. At the very least, however, if you are picking up students, try to make your groups contain students that are all near each other in the building. Transition time can take up a third of your therapy time if your students have to be picked up from around the building.
After your groups are created, it is time to create a group folder! I always use pocket folders that I will later file into a crate. Within the group folders, include multiple copies of each group member’s data sheets, which I always keep on the left side. On the right side of the folder, I include the monthly lesson plan, homework sheets, unfinished work, and activities. For articulation students, I may keep their cards in the right pocket too.
On the front of your group folders, tape or glue a laminated Speech Time Folder cover sheet. I color coordinate them so that all Kinders have blue, 1st graders have green, etc. Use a wet-erase marker to write down the names of the group members, grades/teachers, and speech times. Not only are these the group folders for therapy, but I also use them as a “sign” to non-verbally pick up my students and help them transition quickly and quietly to speech.
- Sort your caseload list by grade and goal area. Use this sorted list to create groups.
- Create group folders by laminating a Speech Time page and adding it to a folder. Add in names and times.
- Put group folders in a crate.
Link to ROADMAP for all lessons.