Module 1, Lesson 4: Paper Organization
We are living in a digital world and I am a paper-based girl (did I get that right?).
I used to teach paper organization before digital organization, but I have changed my ways. Now that so many things are digital, I think it’s important to start that way, and then PRINT out the things you need to keep you on track.
So, that’s exactly what we are going to do based on your previous lessons!
1. Calendar. Print out your entire school year calendar in month view. Put these months somewhere very obvious.
2. Caseload. Print out your caseload list in a variety of ways.
- First, sort by IEP due dates. Print.
- Optional, sort by evaluation due dates. Print.
- Optional, sort by grade levels/teachers. Print
3. IEPs. On each month’s calendar, put a note with the IEPs that you need to schedule.
4. Attach. Now here is where you get to be creative. Remember those monthly, weekly, and daily priorities? How are you going to print them out and make them stand out on your desk? Will you put them in a stack? Will you pin them to your bulletin board? Will you take a photo of them on your phone? Come up with a way to make these frequent items easy to see and easy to check off. At the end of each month, week or day, recycle them and start your next one.
Are you getting excited yet!? You’ve got this! You are becoming a planning expert! In a later module, we are going to learn about creating new habits and routines to keep checking our calendar and making sure we are doing the things that we have planned. For now, however, give yourself a huge pat on the back for planning these IEPs already!
- Print out your monthly calendars.
- Find a place to display them or put them in a binder.
- Print off your caseload, as sorted by due dates.
- Cut each month’s due dates and attach them to the calendar.
- Input information into the annual, monthly, and weekly pages (goals, evergreen) so they are ready to print!
Link to ROADMAP for all lessons.