Module 1, Lesson 3: Digital Organization

We are going to talk a lot about planning because it makes the organizational world go round. No more stressful mornings of “What am I going to do today?” No more panics for “I didn’t know his IEP was due in two days!” We are going to become planning masters.

Planning begins with a system. I use multiple systems: electronic and paper. We are going to start with digital and then move on to paper in the next lesson.

Remember that we are ultimately striving to meet our yearly goals. Everything starts by thinking about the year, then funneling down to the month, then the week, then finally the day.

1. Digital calendar. Take a look at your job’s yearly and monthly calendars. If there are not already in your digital calendar, add them in now! Write in any personal days or known meetings now as well. 

2. Annual evergreen list. Create an Evergreen List for the beginning, middle, and end of the year. What do you need to remember at each point?

3. Other evergreen lists. Create an evergreen list for your monthly and weekly lists (in the workbook).

Digital tools reviewed in this lesson:

  • Google Calendar
  • Google Docs
  • Google Keep
  • Google Sheets


  1. Try out all the digital organization methods.
  2. Choose one of these (or your own) and complete your lists.

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