super iep coaching
special education is confusing. I can help.
The special education process is as confusing as h*ll. I get that. I’ve sat at 1000+ IEP tables and helped families from Kindergarten through age 21. I know that most schools really want the best for their students and most parents want to work collaboratively with their local public schools. Sometimes, however, we need a coach to help us understand how the process works.
Hi there! I’m Dr. Cheri Dodge Chin and I help families understand the special education process, work collaboratively with teams, and advocate for their child’s future. My goal is to provide you with the skills to not only feel good about this year’s IEP, but EVERY future meeting as well.
How do we do this? We will work together in a coaching relationship to really understand where your child is functioning, how the educational system works, what rights you have as a parent, and where you want your child to be when they leave school.

What is IEP Coaching?
IEP coaching is a safe and affirming way for families to understand the special education/504 process. Coaching provides families the opportunity to develop both short and long-term goals for their child’s education. We work backward from these goals to develop strategies, accommodations, and objectives for the upcoming months and years. Using research-based adult learning techniques, you will develop skills to work collaboratively with the educational team. Super IEP Coaching operates on a virtual platform so that we can serve anyone in the country from the comfort of their homes!
What will I gain from coaching?

Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), all parents have the right to be active members of their child’s special education planning. Your coach will help you to understand these rights and provide you with resources to break down the process. With your knowledge and familiarity with the process, you can become your child’s best advocate for years to come.
Special education and medical evaluations seem like they are written in another language! Your coach will break them down into clear components and help you to understand your child’s present levels. With this baseline knowledge, you will work on developing tools to help others understand your child’s strengths and needs. Your coach will then coach you to confidently speak at meetings about your child’s skills and needs.

IDEAS for the future
Special education typically lasts for more than one year. Your coach will help you develop a broad view of what you envision for your child’s future. Using this long-term goal, you will develop shorter-term goals for the skills that your child needs in the next year.
What can I expect during an IEP?
IEP meetings are wonderful opportunities to gather your child’s entire educational team and talk about how everyone can help your child succeed! A great team works together to highlight your child’s strengths, realize their next steps (goals), and develop robust accommodations that will help them be successful and independent.
Contact Dr. Dodge for your free consultation!
Super IEP Coaching is for families who want…
Super IEP Coaching is NOT for families who want…
Super IEP Coaching actively invests in our own learning and self-development to build an anti-racist, anti-oppressive, equitable, neurodiversity-affirming, science-believing, and inclusive community. We invite you to join us if you share these values!